To do for Friday, Math Club reminder

I’ve posted the handout from yesterday’s class, including a version where I fill in answers to the first section (Fermat’s Theorem). Please take a few minutes to look that over before class as well as think about the part on Euler’s Theorem in light of how I filled in the first part. We’ll spend some time discussing this stuff tomorrow before going on to 9F. No formal RQs for Friday.

Also, a reminder about today’s Math Club meeting (with pizza!), which will be held at 1700 in Avery 106. At this meeting, faculty will speak about the advanced math courses (300- and 400-level) being taught in the fall. This is a great opportunity to learn more about what courses are being offered before you register!

It doesn’t look like I’m going to get the test graded before class tomorrow, so you’ll get it back on Monday.